In recent times, our country appear to have become so politically charged that we are no longer sure that governance is still taking place at any level of government. Politicians have made and are still making it appear as though everything that happens around us in the country now has political undertone, thereby dividing the country along party lines. The unfortunate thing is that the motive is always later revealed to be for personal gains and interests. They recruit unemployed youths and in some cases arm them during their campaigns for thuggery. Some of them die in the process, those who survive, either continue as their aides or become criminals, using the arms they have. They present each other to us as opponents and enemies, yet they have a common goal – power and their pockets.
Recently a state governor was quoted to have said while speaking while visiting a project site in his state, which some people in the area had taken the state government to court in order to stop it from pulling down their buildings while reconstructing the road and that was enough reason for work to stop on the project. Besides the fact that this implies that the project was a favour to the community and that the people should appreciate it rather than seek to protect their property in court, one wonders if the state is now bereft of ideas on how to resolve such issues and ensure that citizens enjoy quality living. In another part of the same state, the government’s action of toll collection at a bridge it built through state funds was challenged in a court. The court ruled that it was not proper. This did not stop the toll collection, the state quickly filed an appeal and obtained order to stop execution of the judgment, and the toll collection never stopped for one day. Why should the people suffer after paying tax for development, when all of us are still Nigerians?
Some others call more attention to regional and ethnic issues, sometimes neglecting that the regions and ethnic nationalities, do not exist in isolation. Such people end up making those in their regions and ethnic groups, develop prejudices against those from other regions and ethnic groups and all these do not engender development. Again some of such ethnic nationalists are actually only looking for undue influence over their vulnerable compatriots for their personal interests. They want to be seen as Lords and Masters in their regions and ethnic groups such that they are positioned to clinch opportunities for their benefits. Why should more privileged people enrich themselves at the expense of the less privileged, when all of us are still Nigerians.
Sadly also we have those who emphasize religious differences with the intention to cause disaffection in their own faith against the followers of the other faith. Everytime they spoke about the people of the other faith, they emphasize differences in belief showing how the other is already doomed. They fail to emphasize the need for love towards the other people, geared towards also bringing them to reason through superior knowledge if they consent. What happens is that they end up creating hatred in the minds of their members towards the other group. It is even understandable when it is about differences in belief; it is worrisome when people are taught to believe that close relatives are seeking their down fall, whenever they have difficult situations to handle. This sadly even happens in some same faith circles, resulting in some bitterness which does not help in building relationship, rather it tears down relationships.
We need to encourage attitudes and actions that bring us together rather than those that tear us apart. We need to emphasize actions and attitudes that build us up as a people, rather than those that bring us down.


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