Recently I was discussing with a friend of eight years, who got married at 27 and we got talking about this question. He told me he got married when he did because God told him about it some years before then, and when it was time God still reminded him. He concluded that he had to go ahead and marry even though his plan at the time was to travel out of the country and do a Masters programme. He said he was further convinced because he met a lady, he considered a good wife material. I believe it was also more convincing to him because he already had a good paying job at the time.
Over three years down the line, he is yet to go for the Masters programme, but he says he has no regrets getting married when he did, because that was how God wanted it to be for him.
Like my friend, several of us have our reasons for getting married when we did. Lately I have been thinking about the connection around marriage, purpose, vision, success for a man. So I decided to first explore the reasons people get married the time they do.
One of the reasons I hear people marry when they do is that they are of age. Inasmuch as the issue of age should play a role in this decision, I tend to have questions about this reason. Is there a universally acceptable marriage age? Is the issue of age in marriage not really a subjective decision of the persons involved? It is a fact that at certain age, it may be easier to get someone to marry for both male and female, yet if for any reason one fails to get someone to marry at such age, it does not mean that the chances are closed. So if someone had set their mind on a certain age usually between 25-30 years to get married and fails to realize that, there is no need to commit suicide, because someone somewhere in that same situation has got married and is enjoying their marriage.
Another reason people say they marry when they did is that they are the only child of their parents, especially for the male child. They justify this by saying that the parents want to see their grand-children before they die therefore, the need for them to quickly marry. They also cite the need to ensure that the only child perpetuates the family name, so the need to marry early and begin to bear children. The question is, if the parents really needed more children, why did they stop bearing them. If they wanted, but did not eventually get, will asking the child to marry early guarantee early child bearing?
Again some people have gotten married simply because they thought they had the financial resources to do so. Such people believe that ones they have the money, nothing else should hinder them from getting someone to marry. Now, is money the major need of a genuine wife? Is there a guarantee that the person they married did not agree to marry them because of the wealth? If that is the case, what happens, if for any reason, the wealth diminishes?
These are among some reasons people marry when they do. Without trying to condemn the proponents of these, knowing that certain circumstances may have led to these conclusions, may I submit that there is more to ensuring a lasting marriage than these reasons. These reasons do not pay attention to the personalities involved, yet they are the ones getting married to each other, not the circumstances around their lives. These reasons have tried to primarily justify the circumstances and getting married as the solution.
My recommendation is that people should seek to marry based on the personalities they meet, who they are and what they live by. These are the things the two people would eventually live with, when they are in marriage.
Therefore people seeking to get married should begin by evaluating their own lives. First by building character, setting values that should form the standards for the things they do, discovering their purpose and aligning their life with it.
It is on this basis they can seek who to marry, or expect someone to marry them. On this basis, they would check compatibility, adaptability and acceptability. On this basis, they would weigh the chemistry and attraction they have; on this basis they would verify what they have for the other person, whether it is true Love or mere infatuation.


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