We ended the first part of this article with a call for us to imbibe attitudes that bring us together and those that lift us up rather than those that divide us and tear us apart.

Our focus on this part is to encourage all of us to take ownership of Nigeria. Oftentimes we are quick to shift blames on issues that plague our country, we make it appear as though only those in positions of authority have the responsibility of ensuring that things work well in the country. This attitude often leaves every other person out when it comes to doing what needs to be done to improve the state of our country. This should not be so.

The first task we have is to play our role as electorates in voting those political leaders into elective positions. No matter what the allegations are of rigging, once there is proof that some people cast their votes for the candidate, those people have enabled them get to the office. It is therefore necessary that the electorates vote carefully, by understanding the vision and mission of the candidates, asking them questions on specific issues and being convinced that based on the candidate’s pedigree, the person has the capacity to occupy the position they are being voted to occupy.

The electorate’s vote is therefore not mere ballot paper. It is power and authority to choose. The choice must go beyond ethnic and religious as well as political inclinations, to the person of the candidate, their vision, their mission, their character and competence in such leadership position and responsibility.

Besides voting them into elective positions, we must study our laws and know what our responsibilities are as well as what our rights are. This knowledge will help us be law abiding citizens, which would then qualify us to demand our rights from the government. Nigeria belongs to all of us, not only to those in leadership positions; we must therefore ensure that as we expect them to do their part as leaders, we also do our part as followers.

Another way we can take ownership is by being willing to work with one another as fellow citizens. We need to stop antagonizing one another as we work and live in various Nigerian cities. The way we interact with one another without consideration and love, sometimes makes it difficult to get us to work together and achieve set objectives. Our differences in Nigeria are meant to unite us when we harness our various potentials and capacities. We ought to leverage these as strength not weakness, so that we can maximize them.

We should be able to assist those around us who are experiencing one form of difficulty or the other. This is beyond giving alms to Beggars, but simply assisting giving a helping hand to the aged. If someone’s car suddenly breaks down, we should exercise patience and where possible assist such person get it off the road instead of horning and shouting at the person. The Police should carry on their duties with high sense of responsibility to earn people’s trust and encourage them to work with them.

Also be willing to confront someone doing the right, to correct and chastise them where necessary. When installations are vandalized in our localities, we should not wait for security personnel to arrive before fishing out the perpetrators. Where we cannot confront them, we should be able to report them to the appropriate authority that can arrest them and prosecute them where necessary.


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