To understand if we have national vision and locate what it is, we look at the meaning of Purpose. Put simply, Purpose is the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. So, why do we exist as a nation, what was the reason behind 1914 amalgamation. Beyond 1914 amalgamation, has anyone bothered themselves on the reason Nigeria exists?
Notable expert on Leadership Development, Dr. Myles Munroe, defines Vision as the ability to see things as they should be. This means that vision is the ability to see the reason something exists. Elsewhere, Dr, Munroe summarises both concepts this way: “Purpose is the reason you were created; Vision is when you see it.” Sam Adeyemi also describes Vision as a “Mental Picture of a preferable future”.
Now from the foregoing, we can conclude that until we establish Purpose, we cannot deduce Vision. Purpose gives focus and then Vision can chart the course to the fulfilment of purpose. So in looking at our national vision, we should first consider our national purpose.
Why did the forebears of Nigeria, decide on the amalgamation of North and South and subsequently sovereign state of Nigeria. What potentials and characteristics distinguish it from other countries especially in Africa?
For instance, United States of America (USA) exists to promote Freedom. Therefore overtime, the Country has become synonymous with freedom. It is common knowledge that everyone is known by the identity they give themselves. Hence if someone refuses to give themselves identity, other people would give them identity.  USA has given itself Freedom, so all over the world the country is known for that.
It is clear that most of the actions the US either takes or promotes usually point to what their passion and vision has been.
In writing this, I discussed widely on the issue of what possibly constitutes Nigerian vision. Discussions with other people, who have been in Nigeria, show that there is no founding vision for Nigeria. Most vision casting has been based on one economic plan or the other, which many times are inconclusive. Projects like Vision 2010, now vision 20-20-20. These are just projections for level of economic growth.
Recently also, the federal ministry of Information came up with the rebranding project. Incidentally the project was focused on media communication hypes and slogans aimed at mobilizing Nigerians and encouraging Foreigners to see Nigeria as a great nation and Nigerians as good people. Besides the fact that a number of people believed that it was better to project Nigerians as resilient people instead of good people, it appeared the most seemingly fundamental error in the project was that it did not have concrete agenda about behavioural change.
Thus, in the midst of saying that we are good people, exam malpractice was on the increase; government at all levels were deceiving the people; work place at public and private sectors were filled with corrupt practices, even as poverty ravaged greater population in the midst of plenty. Suddenly the project lost its glow as it became clear that it was just window dressing, only comparable to beautifying a grave as though the outward appearance would change it from being a grave containing a corpse.
Again these actions reveal the truth that the country is not operating within a set Vision. The people are not passionate about anything because there seems to be nothing at stake.   


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