It is always easy for humans to blame situations when what they expect do not take place, however that is a weakness which is capable of robbing us of the fulfillment of our divine destiny.
Every constitution has rights and responsibilities for citizens. The essence is that no one is justified to enjoy their rights without a willingness to do their part. Therefore it is only citizens who pay their taxes that are qualified to ask for the provision of social amenities.
Responsibility is the duty or obligation to satisfactorily perform or complete a task (assigned by someone, or created by one's own promise or circumstances) that one must fulfill, and which has a consequent penalty for failure.

Many times, it appears that people with dreams are excused from responsibility. For instance when a child begins to show some talents at home, the person is exempted from some home chores and treated with higher dignity as against their siblings. Such people grow up thinking that practicing responsibility is a distraction, this is not so. John Maxwell in his book, Talent is Never enough, says that responsibility actually strengthens talent and increases the opportunity for long term success.
Practicing responsibility includes taking firm ownership of the dream, irrespective of challenges on the route to its fulfillment. It means accepting when there is an error as well as acknowledging praise when things go well. In my experience in handling tasks, I have realized that when I take responsibility for a task, it attracts higher tasks. When I handle an opportunity with responsibility, it attracts greater opportunity. This principle is evident in the parable of the Talents told by Jesus Christ,    "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!” Mathew 25: 23 (NIV).

It has also been observed that practicing responsibility attracts honour and respect. It tends to show how matured someone is. In some African cultures, a man is only considered responsible when the person gets married and begins to raise a home. As long as the person has not started raising a home, no matter how wealthy the person was, they are not really considered responsible.
Practicing responsibility leads to increased confidence and trust. It is easier to work with someone who practices responsibility than to work with someone who does not. A leader who practices responsibility is loved and it is easier for him to influence his/her followers.



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