Few days ago I saw a bus conveying pupils to school as early as 5:55am. My attention was not basically the time the children have to be up and on their way to school; it is the fact that the bus was rather a bit rickety, producing smoke from the silencer and without a vehicle air-conditioner.

Another thing I noticed was the location of the school as was written on the body of the vehicle. The school is not located in my area, where I saw the bus; it had come to pick pupils from my area this explained why they had to leave that early. I wondered why parents would send their children to such distant school when it was not an exceptional school. Why not leave the children in a nearby school since you are not really bothered about standards.

I consider the opportunity for the establishment of private schools in Nigeria a positive development.  However the implementation appears to have been derailed because of poor monitoring. Sometimes when I see some private schools I think about how they got their approval considering the nature of the structures and the state of the environment. Several of them exist in one or two- storey building without space for physical exercises for the children.   Others are located in dirty environment and very choked school facility.

While I commend them for providing school buses, it is worrisome that many of the school buses are rickety and unfit to carry children, whose minds and body are still being developed. Seeing them packed in those buses, without air-conditioner makes them look like children who are being trafficked, instead of those who are being taken to acquire genuine knowledge for mental empowerment.

Those schools described above should not exist as private schools because they have been reduced to the state of the public schools which we had established are not properly funded. They are set up to rival public schools, yet they end up not even measuring up with some public schools in terms of quality of learning and learning environment. Many of them are also known to hire poorly qualified staff that are poorly remunerated and normally have to leave as quickly as they are able to get another school for an improved pay. Yet the tuition fees are higher than that of public schools.

These are indices that show the owners to be in it for material gain instead of imparting quality knowledge and maintaining standards. It also shows that they value material gains above the future of those pupils. Anyone who chooses to go into establishing school at any level, but especially for between toddlers and teenagers, should bear in mind that raising those children is paramount in the mind of the parents who are paying the fees and should ensure that proper standards are kept in nurturing those young minds. A child who schools in a dirty environment would probably grow not seeing anything fundamentally wrong with living in a dirty environment.

School environment should be a standard for a growing child whose parents are not getting things right at home in terms of cleanliness. A growing child should be taught by competent teachers so that they learn the right things as foundation for their formal academic learning experience. How would someone who was not able to grow their minds for excellence help another person grow their mind? The high rate of teacher turn-over in those schools reveals the fact that they are not in the profession for the desire to impart lives and in doing so get financial reward, they are in it for the financial gain only.

Parents should endeavour to properly inspect schools before sending their children to them because many children end up adopting their teachers and the standard they see in their schools as models. Parents should however establish the standard they desire for their children at home for them to see, so that when they get to school and see the contrary they would know.

Some people have advocated that poverty is the reason some parents send their children to such low quality schools. They also believe that poverty and high rate of unemployment are to blame for the attitude of the teachers. What then is responsible for the attitude of the school owners, Greed? The bottom line is that parents, school owners and teachers place their interests above those of the children and therefore place priority on what benefits them above what benefits the children in the long run.


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