Some days ago about 8pm in a departmental store, we were queuing up to pay for the items we had picked. All five tables were quite busy, so everyone just had to stay in a queue. Suddenly a young man probably in his early twenties emerged on the table where I queued from the exit side, holding an item and asking to be allowed to pay. I wondered why he thought every other person did not have reasons to also leave the place quickly. Well, it was not my turn and the person before me allowed him pay.

As he was about leaving, two ladies emerged from the same exit side, probably thinking that our queue was full of nice people. It was my turn and I was not sure I would allow anyone, because I really needed to get home having been out since morning. But before they would even get to ask, the person behind told them not to bother asking because they needed to be patient. He proceeded to tell them to everyone’s hearing that impatience was one of the causes of Nigeria’s set back, wondering why people would always want to be in a hurry in the country.

As though it was planned, some other people began adding their voices to the rebuke while others thanked the young man for speaking up. As I left that place that evening, I kept asking myself ‘Why are like this?’ Why does it appear as though we prefer disorder to order? Why does everyone want to move at the same time at a traffic junction where it movement would require people waiting for one another? Why do we always have people wanting to jump queue at bus stops, malls and even ATM stands?

I believe people do not have respect for other people’s time. Most people who do such things probably believe they are smart, yet they in my opinion are really selfish. It is the same reason lateness to events and meetings is seen as a usual practice in our society. I feel there is a way we are pleased to see that we’ve gone ahead of everyone even when we did it at the expense of other people’s rights.

Next is poor sense of excellence. Actually most people in our society are yet to witness an orderly society, so they do not even know how else to behave except to behave the disorderly way they have grown to learn over the years. This point comes clear when you realize how most of the people who behave this way defend their actions each time someone tried correcting them. However ignorance should not be a justification for promoting disorder in the society.

Another reason is lack of basic amenities. This creates a scarcity mindset in people, such that they are always thinking that the one available would soon run out if they did not hurry up. So you see people not allowing fellow road users join a lane on the road, sometimes I wonder if the other person would have taken the portion of road home if allowed. You also see people rushing to join a bus at the bus stop when the number of people at the bus stop would not even fill the bus.

I also believe that ultimately Love is lacking in our society. If Love has to do with looking after the well-being of others and not just that of myself; if it has to do with providing what makes life meaningful for the citizens by the government; if Love indeed has to do with bearing with one another. Then it is a scarce commodity in our society.

We must let our visit to different worship centres every Friday and Sunday as the case may be, reflect on the way we live our lives and the way we relate with others outside the worship centres. Government should provide basic amenities for the people and make these things easily accessible, to avoid anybody feeling that those things are so special and must be struggled for. Families should also ensure that their children are raised to respect order and promote excellence. 


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