the previous article on the subject of understanding your spouse; I mentioned
that this is essential for an enduring harmony in the marriage.
this article, we look at some reasons married couples should understand each
are different from your spouse. There are differences
between every two individuals, including two identical twins. Understanding
each other therefore becomes necessary if couples must navigate through these
differences and achieve harmony.
Gender difference:
The fact that one person is male and the other is female creates the basic
identifiable difference between a man and his wife. Difference in gender means
that physiologically and emotionally the two people are different. Couples
ought to be mindful and respect this in their relationship. This difference
remains for life, irrespective of attempts to change gender in our world today.
Difference in upbringing:
This is in terms of the home environment the person was raised as well as the
values by which they were raised. Some people were raised in higher level of
affluence than others. Some people saw their parents relate in certain manner
and that had constructed their views about marriage. Each spouse ought to be
mindful of this in relating with the other.
Difference in personal values:
As people grow they develop personal values that guide their actions in life.
Therefore every individual has their peculiar values.
What I recommend is that intending and married couples identify their individual values, find those they have in common and adopt them as family values.
What I recommend is that intending and married couples identify their individual values, find those they have in common and adopt them as family values.
Difference in age:
Couples are usually not of the same age. Those who were born in the same year,
have difference in months. Some are not even of the same age bracket. Therefore
it becomes a reason not to assume that your spouse would think and behave same
way on issues. It is a reason to seek understanding your spouse. Sometimes age
is more than just a number, it sure makes some difference.
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