Understanding your spouse is essential for an enduring harmony in your marriage. The responsibility of understanding each other lies on both spouses. It is something that begins from courtship and continues throughout the marriage.

Understanding your spouse requires that both are comfortable to be vulnerable. Openness to each other is necessary to ensure proper understanding of each other. This article looks at ten things every couple must understand about each other.

Understand your spouse's personality. Some people are extroverts and so out-going, out-spoken. Others are introverts and so reserved and quiet.

Understand the person's temperament. Some persons are Choleric, some are sanguine, others are phlegmatic and melancholy. Some people have a combination of two. Learn the characteristics of these temperaments to know why they behave the way they do.

Understand your spouse's emotional cues, otherwise called Love languages. This varies in individuals. These include: Gifts receiving, physical touch, quality time, acts of service and words of affirmation. Many people have a combination of two.

Understand your spouse's interests. Someone's interest can be based on their faith, profession or area of business. It can also be based on upbringing and associations.

Understand the person's view on family economy. This is about how to manage family financial resources. The view can be based on upbringing, profession, association and exposure to information.

Understand your spouse's view on marital sex. Such view can be based on upbringing, faith, association, exposure to information on sexual relationships. It can also be based on previous experiences

Understand their view on relationship with in-laws. This may be based on level of knowledge, associations, previous experience and upbringing.

Understand the person's view on parenting. Some see it as mother's role only. The view may be based on upbringing, associations, exposure to information.

Understand their view on home chores and domestic helps. This may be based on upbringing, association, exposure to information as well as nature of occupation.

Understand your spouse's view on Faith or spiritual matters. This is also important and may be based on upbringing, association, local church being attended, as well as exposure to information.

I hope you find this useful. Next edition will consider reasons to understand your spouse in these areas.


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