When people plan to get married, they are often carried away by the other person's charisma, beauty, qualification, talents, intelligence, and financial net-worth. Such that sometimes they tend to forget that the person they would eventually live with is different from the person they see on the platform. 

If Nelson is a CEO of an organization and wishes to get married to Josephine, who is a businesswoman; Josephine needs to remember that eventually she would be married to Nelson, not the CEO. Also Nelson needs realize he would live in the house with Josephine and not the Businesswoman.

Everyone's character is the real person they are, especially when no one else is watching. It therefore becomes expedient that each spouse invests in their character to ensure that it is not a source of disharmony in the home.

Personal Evaluation: Regular evaluation of yourself alone helps you identify areas of your character that require improvement.
Taking time to do this is an investment you will not regret. The question to ask is: Have I been treating my spouse the way I would like to be treated? If someone does so and so to me, how would it make me feel? Be honest to yourself in this process.

Engage an accountability Partner: This person may be your spouse or your best friend. Someone you can feel comfortable to be vulnerable to. Two ways to engage this person: ask for an evaluation of your relationship with the person and seek to know what they think you need to improve on. Another way is to tell them something you did that you are not happy about and seek their help in encouraging you as you work to be better in that area.

Study and meditate on the Word of God: When this is done, the Holy Spirit helps us to see ourselves in the word and helps us to identify what we need to do to keep improving. Meditation is about thinking through what we read, so as this is done, understanding grows and grace is released.

Speak the Word to yourself: Take specific aspects of the word of God that address areas of character you need to improve on. Speak them to yourself, where necessary put your name and direct the actionable part to yourself in spoken words. Overtime you see yourself becoming what you speak.

Pray for grace to act: Communicating to God for the release of His grace to enable you manifest the right character, helps a lot. He made you and He knows how to help you become who he made you to be. 

Take Action: Take advantage of every opportunity to act contrary to the wrong character. As you improve and act on what you are learning, you are encouraged to improve.

If you fail, don't give up. Keep taking the right steps. Your marriage will be better for it.


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