Your sex life is a major aspect of your marriage. Realizing the importance of your sex life therefore, it is important that spouses ensure that this aspect of the marriage is protected and preserved for the continued beauty of the relationship.

This series will consider areas to protect your sex life from; reasons to protect your sex life and how to protect your sex life. 

A couple's life revolves around various things; work and business, children, friends and family, hobbies, social activities - these draw some level of attention from married couple. Each spouse owes the marriage a responsibility of ensuring that their sex life is protected from these things.

Work or Business: Either work or business usually becomes everyone's source of revenue. Time and strength are therefore invested in work or business activities on a daily basis. Realizing that the quest to improve family finance overtime tends to result in giving more attention to these, it is necessary that each spouse guards against sacrificing their sex life on the altar of their work or business.

The Children: Your children become an integral part of your life and marriage immediately they are conceived. Attention to them begins from pregnancy to birth and continues through their adulthood.
Knowing the task involved in raising them, spouses are tempted to do away with sex because of parenting tasks at certain point of their life. This temptation should be guarded against, as the presence of children cannot replace the company of a spouse.

Family & Friends: One's family and friends form the closest part of their life prior to marriage. They remain in everyone's life even after marriage. However the level of attention they receive should now be controlled by the available space in the marriage. It is important that available resources (time, money, etc) are no longer spent wholly on them realizing that managing the marriage and all that go with it require much resource.

Hobbies: Interest in one's hobbies grows over time to become a major part of their daily life. Knowing that a hobby is something someone loves, gradually they develop emotional connection in exploring it, thereby investing more time and other resources in their pursuit. It is therefore important that every spouse is mindful of how they treat their hobbies with regards to their sex life, so that the latter does not suffer because of the former.

Social Activities: Social activities include religious activities, association activities, events and recreational activities not involving the family. Attention to these can have subliminal influence on one's life, such that the person's sex life may be affected negatively without them knowing it. Therefore every spouse should guard against allowing their commitment to certain social activities drain their energy and consume their time to the expense of their sex life.

Nothing can successfully offer the pleasure and satisfaction your sex life in marriage offers, therefore guard against anything that seeks to compete with it.  


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