EXAGGERATION IN PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS: HOW COOL? (Conversation with my friend: @Law_obi)

I didn’t set out to write on this subject, but a discussion with a close friend on it formed the content of this article. I asked my friend what he thinks about exaggeration and lies to find out if he thought it was okay for someone especially a Christian to exaggerate without saying so. Is the person not telling a lie? I ask this because I hear some things from some people. Within me I feel it is not entirely true but if the person didn't tell me it was exaggerated, I'm left wondering why the person is trying to hype it.

In response, he tells me that he finds himself feeling guilty when he exaggerates things, so he thinks it’s wrong when you make things appear larger or smaller than they are, except you tell people ‘this is exaggerated’. 

‘It’s more like deceit’, he says, ‘so people can believe you even though deep down in you,  you know it’s not true; you just want to sell your story or position’, ‘Deliver me, O Lord, from lying lips, from a deceitful tongue’. Ps 120:2, he added.

My views: I also think it has something to do with pride and low or negative self-esteem. People thinking of themselves more highly than they ought to (Romans 12:3) and people thinking that they need to increase their worth because they believe that people see them to be lower than they are. All that for me is about walking in the flesh. If we develop closer walk with the Holy Spirit, we are led daily to be open and transparent no matter what the situation is.

I also believe that exaggeration may be a character flaw that was not checked until it blossomed. Sometimes as younger people one tended to hype their actions before their peers without knowing where to draw the line. If it becomes a habit and the person grows with it, it turns to be a negative character. It could mar relationships even at home and among friends because it means that the person cannot be trusted. Character change demands deliberate effort on the part of the person involved and the major change is in walking with the Holy Spirit and imbibing the fruit (Galatians 5:22,23)
Another angle to this is beating around an issue instead of going straight to the point. I guess in a bid to make it sound the way the person believes it should, they begin to look for other ways to express themselves without realising that they are actually saying something that contrasts the point they are supposed to be making. When a husband exaggerates issues to the wife or wife to the husband; what do they think would be the result in the children they raise?
Thinking about courtship and certain things guys tend to say or do to convince a lady to marry them, could it be that later marriage challenges are a result of exaggerations the man is not able to measure up with?
Thinking about relationship between parents and children, could it be that some children's disenchantment towards their parents is a result of certain exaggerations which the children later realised the truth and therefore not able to trust the parents anymore? At workplace, it could reduce trust among employees as well as between employers and employees, between supervisors and subordinates.

‘Very true, Exaggeration leads to distrust among people’ he concurs. ‘Just like when you know someone keeps doing that anytime you guys meet,’ he continues, ‘you just assume almost on the spot before your next meeting that  he will be coming to feed you with lies, because you know in your heart that it’s not true’.
Next question is: How to rebuild lost trust
My Friend: ‘Repent! With repent, I mean you need to change that attitude:
      Renew your mind with the word of God,
Ask the Holy Spirit to help you,
Build your self-esteem, and be deliberate about saying things as they are.
Give a true representation; don't try to impress people,
Don't strive for perfection,
Celebrate the small stuff you have,
Focus on the things you can transform or change,
Most times because people want to be seen as being perfect without flaws they exaggerate both themselves and things, because they are trying to impress people they exaggerate, so that the people will say wow; Because they don’t enjoy what they do they will always have mistakes, so they exaggerate in order to cover their flaws; Because they don’t celebrate the little they have they tend to compare themselves with others they exaggerate; Continuous positive talk is also very important’.

We also agree that in all these actions, consistency is very important. Consistency in doing the right things will restore people’s confidence and gradually rebuild trust.


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