I once heard someone tell the story of a newlywed couple whom the pastor asked about their honeymoon. The wife replied, ‘I didn’t really enjoy it’; when she was asked, why, she said, ‘it was just about sex, sex, sex’. The husband smiled and told the pastor, that it was fine, because the primary reason for the trip was the sex. Well, as a man I agree with the husband. The primary reason for honeymoon is to have sex and get more acquainted with each other sexually especially if the couple never did that before the wedding. The sight-seeing and other events are designed to result in romantic ending for sex to happen. In fact I was almost surprised that my wife was not ready for it the night we arrived our honeymoon destination. She said she wanted to sleep because it was a long trip by road, as part of the fun. Interestingly I was also tired but wanted to do it before sleeping because for me, we had traveled that far distance to be alone for that reason. This shows one of the differences between how men think and how women think in relation to sex. The man can play down on tiredness, misunderstanding, excitement or grief and enjoy sex while a woman would want to give full attention to any of these and sort them out before thinking of sex.

A lady once told me of how she began to respond to her husband’s request for sex out of duty, because the man came for it every day. She said she could not understand how it was convenient for him to want sex daily after both of them would have gotten home tired from work. So in order not to appear like a difficult person, she would just allow him do it without really participating. These scenarios when not well managed could lead to quarrels in the home. Gary Chapman in his book, “Things I wish I’d known before we got married” puts it this way:
“I was fully male; she was fully female—and we had a high level of sexual attraction for each other. I anticipated that this part of marriage was going to be heaven for both of us. After the wedding, I discovered that what is heavenly for one may be hell for the other. No one told me that males and females are different. To be sure, I knew the obvious physiological differences, but I knew almost nothing about female sexuality. I thought she would enjoy it as much as I did; that she would want to do it as often as I did; and that what pleasured me would also pleasure her. I repeat: I knew almost nothing about female sexuality. And I discovered that she knew little about male sexuality”. Chapman (2010).
Though these experiences may be general for most couples, there are few instances where some wives actually want to do it more than the husbands. That also requires being properly managed. A woman once talked about how she got into marriage expecting to have as much sex as she desired. She however realized quickly that the husband did not want it as much. So she tried making moves to make it happen more often, but had to learn to align with him seeing that, that was his person in that aspect. The point here is, beyond frequency of having sex; there are certain things every wife should always bear in mind concerning their husband when it comes to sex. Those things depict the way men are wired.

The husband is analytical and logical in the way he views having sex. To him it is a physical need that has to be met. Just as eating food when one is hungry; the husband does not view sex as something that has to wait because he is not happy about something. By nature the husband is ready for sex within seconds of thinking about it. Nothing much needs to be done to get him ready. In fact I once had a conversation with someone about the benefit of fore-play to the man during sex. The person told me that everything about fore-play is to get the woman ready. I agreed with him and it was difficult to find a benefit for the man, until I mentioned that in the context of marriage, fore-play helps for proper emotional, physical and psychological connection that differentiates sex with one’s spouse from sex with a prostitute. The husband is wired to give by the nature of their body and the body is ready to do it once the mind is connected to it. The only thing that stops a man is if the mind is not fully connected. This really makes the mind the most important sex organ. So instead of always using emotional excuses like tiredness, unhappiness and in some cases faking headache to avoid sex; wives should engage their husbands in honest communication to have their understanding about timing and circumstances. I believe that husbands are not irrational; they should also learn to understand with their wives where necessary to ensure that both enjoy sex each time it happens.

Also the husband is moved by what he sees. One of the reasons some adverts use nude or half nude pictures of ladies to project products that have nothing to do with sex is to attract men. Men are sexually attracted to such pictures. Many men try to manage themselves and not always look at such pictures and women who dress in certain manners. However a married woman should ensure that she displays such sights for her husband at home. Also putting on lingerie in the bedroom should be something a married woman should do regularly. I often joke that my wife’s body is meant for only me to see, so she should show it to me exclusively always. Dressing well and appearing well before the husband is also important and husbands should complement their wives’ dressing openly and while at home to show that such is appreciated. ‘If the hairdo is not what the man would love to see, he should say so; don’t grumble within and then go out and complement another person having what you would love to see on your wife when you have not told her’. A wife could become less attractive to the husband for sex if she continually dresses in ways that put him off especially if the man has raised issues with that in the past.

Another factor is that the husband wants to be respected. It is often said that respect is reciprocal, which implies that whoever desires respect, should also show respect to the other person. However men are known to naturally have ego; which impacts on the way they tend to handle issues. Therefore marriage requires that a wife recognizes this and respects the husband, to maintain harmony in the home. A man, who feels constantly disrespected, would eventually feel distanced from the wife. A husband who feels and experiences constant disrespect from the wife, but gets it from co-workers outside the home, may eventually become more committed to the person who gives him most respect outside the home. When a husband’s commitment to the wife begins to dwindle due to lack of respect, it affects sex in the home. Regular unwillingness for sex by a wife could be seen as lack of respect by the man. In fact in some instances it has been seen as rejection. Spouses should always seek balance in this as two wrongs do not make a right.

In addition to this, marriage requires a man to be the head; this headship has responsibility for leadership in it. A major aspect of this leadership responsibility is providing for the family. When a man is not able to temporarily provide due to one reason or the other it affects his ego. At such times, they should remain positive and work with the wife to retain their respect. No man should become lazy, overly demanding and grumpy in such situations, but supportive to the wife especially when the wife is seeking to provide for the family. Showing wrong attitude may affect his relationship with the wife and this could include their sex life.

May I also mention that for the husband, getting to orgasm is much easier and ends the sex session. The wife should not be so surprised that he ends it immediately that happens for him because that’s the way the man is. I believe that spouses should work together to ensure that the wife gets as much pleasure as she can get including orgasm possibly before the man gets to climax. Also when the man gets to climax, he should remember that the woman still desires to be brought to a relaxed end through cuddling to ensure a good and pleasant memory for her also.

I believe that this edition has been a blessing to someone, next edition we discuss the place and importance of communication in sex for the married.


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