Rape has been described as the act of forcing someone to have sexual intercourse with one. Some people also describe it as any sexual intercourse done without the other person’s consent. Most times it is the male that is said to have raped the female. We hardly hear about female raping male. The idea of rape revolves around the approach to sexual intercourse with a partner. Though it is often mentioned outside marriage, I have argued that some husbands may be raping their wives by the way they approach them for sex. Situations where the man just gets to bed and tells the woman that he wanted sex, and then goes straight to intercourse with little or no time for fore play, could be likened to rape. Most wives in such marriages simply keep mute because they realise they are in a marital relationship and therefore owe their body to the man. One lady ones told me of how she would just lay there and let her husband do the thing and get off. Reason was the man came for it daily and the woman was not always ready for it on a daily basis. But to maintain peace in the home, she did not resist him. Some people are yet to understand that sex in marriage requires the best approach for the satisfaction of the couple.

Approach in sex for the married is a demonstration of one spouse’s respect for the other spouse. Couples who respect each other get the best from each other. Though respect is often regarded as one of man’s major need in marriage; the woman equally deserves to be respected. In fact husbands who complain that their wives do not respect them are possibly taking their wives for granted. In Ephesian 5: 22, wives are admonished to submit to their own husbands; yet before that command, verse 21 had admonished that couples should submit to one another. Therefore it is not really in the place of either spouse to demand and enforce rights in marriage. Everyone is expected to do their part especially in the area of respect. One place to show this is in the way they approach each other for sex. Someone may argue that the bible already informs us that the man’s body belongs to the woman and vice versa, so why should the person not just take what belongs to them. Well, remember that it is the other person that keeps that body; so if he or she decides that the other “owner” cannot have access to it per time, the person must wait. Your spouse’s body is not a tangible item, which you just walk in and pick; it is his or her body, you need to show value for it by approaching your spouse respectfully whenever you need it.

Another reason approach matters is that marriage is honourable. Hebrews 13: 4, admonishes that marriage is honourable and the bed should not be defiled. Even though bed defilement is on the basis of couple not engaging in extra marital affairs, it is also important that when they are to be together with each other, the honour of their marriage is preserved. It is because they are married, that using that bed for sex is not defilement, so they should approach the act in a way that preserves the sanctity of the marriage. An intercourse between a married couple should be with the highest level of honour because each spouse cherishes the other’s dignity. If they have deferred having sex from courtship till they are legally married, each time it happens it should be a celebration of their undying love for themselves. Remember that the person is your spouse; you are not ‘stealing’ the act neither are you doing it as a customer, who does not want to take the time of another customer waiting in the line.

When approach is not right, your spouse feels used. I was involved in resolving a marital conflict where one major complaint from the man was difficulty in getting the wife for sex. The man complained that he kept himself from sex before marriage because he wanted to be faithful to his wife. He felt frustrated that most times he found it difficult getting her for sex and when it happens, she does not usually participate; she just lays there. The wife’s response was that the husband’s approach did not encourage her to be open to sex apart from the fact that he also wanted it more frequently than she could handle. We were able to advise the husband on how important approach is and the story changed. In fact, the husband had also complained that her refusals had delayed their conception for another child much longer than they wanted it. Less than four months after our intervention, the wife conceived. When a woman feels being used, she withdraws and the man finds it difficult to understand. It is only an inanimate object that can be used continuously without their consent. Consistently approaching sex with your spouse against her consent would eventually lead to outright refusals; it is just a matter of time.
In order to maintain a healthy sex life in your marriage, the following tips will help your approach.
·     Focus on lovemaking; not just having sex. Lovemaking begins from morning through the day, before the act itself.
·      Woo her emotionally before the time, and then she would be available for the act when the time comes.
·      Don’t treat sex as a right that belongs to you alone. Your spouse also needs it.
·      For the man, your wife wants to hear your voice before the act; don’t get on the act without letting her know how much she means to you. How much her body suits you, and how much you desire to have her. Avoid walking up to her and saying, ‘I want to have sex with you’. That could put her off. Be creative about it.
·       For the woman, your husband wants to see your body; don’t complain that he does not touch you if you always look unkept. Find out what he wants to see on your body and wear it. At night and when you are alone, seduce him, distract him, and make him want you.
·        Don’t be dogmatic about the timing and location. Be flexible and spontaneous.
·     If the fire is completely down, plan an outing and find time to relax alone to revitalise yourselves and rekindle the fire.
Always remember that he or she is your spouse; not a stranger. She is there for you; he is there for you. Respect his or her person; focus on pleasing him or her and you will be mindful of your approach to sex.

I believe that this edition has been a blessing to someone. Your comments are appreciated. Next edition we discuss, ‘Does size really matter?’


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