One way to understand genuine love is ability to make sacrifices. One place where sacrifice is needed for harmony is in marriage. When we considered what the bible says about sex earlier in the series, we emphasized the following injunction: The marriage bed must be a place of mutuality—the husband seeking to satisfy his wife, the wife seeking to satisfy her husband. Marriage is not a place to “stand up for your rights.” Marriage is a decision to serve the other, whether in bed or out’ (1 Cor.7:4, MSG). The Bible is clear as can be seen in this passage, that mutuality is required with each spouse making sacrifices to satisfy the other in bed. This is the reason we have discussed how to understand your spouse’s emotional response to sex and the sex related parts of the person’s body. This article discusses why spouses should focus on satisfying each other and how this can be achieved.

Every human being would naturally seek what benefits them as individuals. No one wants to be cheated. No one wants to feel taken advantage of. In marriage however, love that endures requires sacrifice; thinking and acting beyond self. Seeking mutual benefit during sex in marriage helps couples maintain emotional and physical bond with each other. Those who engage in sexual relationship outside marriage are often about their individual satisfaction. The man wants to be satisfied without doing much to ensure the woman is satisfied and vice versa. For example, stories have been told of older women who hire younger men to have sex with them for the older women’s satisfaction. The younger men are in the contract for the money. Also men who patronize women in brothels do so to satisfy their selfish desires. The women are in the business for the money. In marriage it is not so. No one is expected to ask for any form of payment from the other person for sex to take place. Though one spouse initiates per time, both are expected to ensure that there is mutual satisfaction.  

The oneness couples live to achieve in marriage is such that as the marriage becomes older, no one would be able to know the areas of differences between the couple. One way to maintain such strong bond is by ensuring mutual benefit in bed. Mutual sexual satisfaction could also increase trust in the marriage. If a spouse continually sees that the other is constantly seeking to satisfy him or her in bed, they  would not easily think of cheating on each other. However when couples are constantly having sex to fulfil a duty, it would be easy for someone to lure them into extra-marital sexual relationship. May I quickly mention that lack of sexual satisfaction is not and should not be an excuse for extra-marital relationship; however couples should not create an atmosphere that makes them susceptible to any form of temptation. Building and maintaining trust in marriage goes beyond what happens under the sheet; yet it is important that what happens there become a positive reason to encourage trust in the marriage. Sexual satisfaction in marriage is important to the husband as much as it is to the wife; no one should deprive the other for any reason.

How can spouses ensure each other’s sexual satisfaction? We begin by clarifying what it means to satisfy each other in this context. Satisfying one’s spouse has to do with doing what benefits the other person. It means that the husband seeks to do what pleases the wife while the wife does what pleases the husband. It means that each person understands what makes the other happy and does it. When both of them continually do what pleases the other, mutual satisfaction is achieved.
Bearing in mind that sex begins with what happens before the act, it is important that couples ensure they satisfy each other emotionally on a daily basis. One way to do this is by speaking each other’s love language. In his book: THE FIVE LOVE LANGUAGES, Gary Chapman talks about:
·         Words of Affirmation
·         Acts of Service
·         Receiving Gifts
·         Quality Time
·         Physical Touch
These are the different love languages each spouse wants the other to communicate.
Interestingly what tends to happen is that without trying to find out the other person’s love language, spouses tend to speak their own love language to the other person and keep getting the wrong results. For example, the fact that as a husband I like receiving gifts does not mean that I should be buying gifts for my wife; rather it means that my wife should be buying gifts for me. I should find out what her love language is and speak it.  If as a husband, I like to hear words of affirmation from my wife, the more she speaks that, the more emotional benefit she deposits in me. Also if my wife desires that I spend quality time with her; that is her love language. The more I do that the more emotional benefit I deposit in her. The more a couple constantly deposit emotionally in each other, the closer they become, the more willing they are to be with each other and the easier it is for them to enjoy sexual relationship.

Another way to ensure one’s spouse’s satisfaction is by discussing about what each person likes. Early in relationship, couples tend to discuss freely about their personal likes and dislikes especially in the area of sex. This tends to be an extension of courtship, honeymoon seasons. However as parenting and other home affairs begin calling attention; some couples hardly discuss such things. Even when sex happens, it is just to meet a need at the moment. This should not be so. Inasmuch as sex may appear insignificant an issue in the face of finance, parenting, in-laws, and so on, it requires as much attention as all those issues. When couples deliberately give all these issues the required attention in proper proportion, they ensure harmony in the home. So talk about each other, find out what one likes without making it a formal talk session. Take a walk and gist. Tease each other and get responses. After a sex session, pass a complement and listen for a response. This way you pick some information that would be useful in satisfying the other person. When someone sees an article that discusses about sex for the married, bring it to the attention of the other person to find out their view of the issues raised. What is required is openness to accept and willingness to improve.

One more way to ensure satisfaction is by suggesting something new or something different during sex. Innovation and flexibility are required to achieve something new in bed. There is nothing to be shy about. The man is your husband; the woman is your wife; the sex is for the good of your marriage. Don’t insist on having your way each time you suggest something new. Listen for objections; respond to concerns; drop it if resistance is stiff. Urge for trial if doubt persists; show how it would benefit the other person and how both of you would be better for it. Eventually it may be accepted; if not, move on and keep enjoying what is working for both of you.

I believe that this edition has been a blessing to someone. Your comments are appreciated. Next edition we discuss ‘Why Approach Matters’.


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