Affection is a feeling of love; it is one’s romantic feeling.  It is about tender attachment towards someone. Showing affection is an expression of one's strong romantic love, or one's deep and strong emotional desires to connect with another person. This expression can be through verbal communication or through non-verbal gestures. It is a result of bonding that has been established between two people of opposite sex through social interactions. A major benefit of showing affection is that it consolidates the bond between couples and helps them enjoy the freedom marriage offers. The general idea of romance however, is that it is not a one-off event; it is a combination of the little acts that happen on a daily basis between married couples. What appears to happen between couples is that while the courtship lasted, they tend to be ‘all over’ each other with one inventing acts of romance to please the other. Once the marriage starts, it appears the romantic glow dims considerably. This article looks at ways the man can continually express his romantic feeling towards his wife.

Pillow fight: This is simply throwing pillow at each other in a manner that tries to seek who gets tired first. It is best done when the couple are alone as the excitement it generates may lead to a more intimate expression of each other.

Kissing: This act is often expressed when couples are getting ready for sex. However it is an act that should be done as often as possible. Couples should share goodbye kiss and welcome kiss. They should also share random kisses not tied to any event. Pecks on the chin are good ways of expressing romance.

Compliments: This has to do with appreciating someone’s look or action. Though women are known to really value compliments on their dress, hairdo, among others; men also value compliments especially when they have accomplished a task successfully.

Hugging: This is deliberately holding her tightly in your arms. As simple as that may sound, the warmth shared can be electrifying.
When the motive is to show acceptance and appreciation, it can be accompanied by kissing and caresses. Hug your wife at home and in the public. She would always appreciate it.

Quality Time: This is often applicable to wives. When a husband decides to spend quality time with the wife, it is seen as an expression of how much the man values his wife. Quality time requires quality attention without distractions.

Take a walk together: Simple act of walking alongside each other strengthens the bond between couples. It is an expression of how they value each other. Sometimes it is extended to holding hands together also.

Carry Your Wife: This can be in your arms or at your back. You can carry her to bed or just within a space around the home. You can equally carry her on your legs, seated. Do it with her knowledge or abruptly.

Acts of Service: This is about helping with home chores and other personal services. Like quality time, it is often appreciated by women when the men in their lives assist them in handling certain services they are usually engaged in.

A woman ones advised that helping with some home chores is a good way a husband can help the wife reserve some strength for sexual intercourse later in the night.

Phone Calls: Calling a spouse on phone to check on them during the day or to discuss nothing in particular is a romantic expression that is appreciated by men and women. It may be a long or short discussion, but the idea of remembering to call is the main thing. It shows the receiver that the caller was thinking of them. 

Send an electronic message: Personalised message by SMS or any of the social media platforms is also a sign that one was thinking of the other. Couples should utilize this. Not exchanging a message during the day when couples are at work or not together for any reason is discouraged.

Send or give a gift: This could range from a bar of chocolate to an exotic car. It is not necessarily the size of the gift, but the idea of giving it and the manner of delivery make it romantic. One day I sent a courier to deliver a bar of chocolate to my wife.

In another occasion I bought some items for her and asked the shop owner to deliver them the next day when I would not be around her. A friend’s wife once used me to hide a gift for the husband. She then sent a message to the husband to locate the gift in their home.

Drop a Note: Deliberately write something good about your spouse and stick or keep it where the person would not expect to find it. Discovering and reading the note, could even turn the person on.

Write a Poem: Take time to express your affection in writing to your spouse in poetic lines. Reading that, gives the person a sense of how much he or she is valued.

Take a trip together: Changing environment just to be alone with each other, offers a romantic experience. It may just be a weekend out of town trip to a nearby destination. It makes a difference in the way couples value their relationship.

It is agreed that men would usually go for sex in a relationship with the opposite sex. However getting your wife to constantly cherish sexual relationship with you requires constantly showing her affection. Achieving a mutually beneficial romantic experience in a marriage would guarantee an atmosphere for more sexual connection. It is better to seek ways of showing affection than seek how to get more sex. The more the man seeks ways of showing affection to the wife; the more likely they would enjoy more sex with each other


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