Assumption is said to be the lowest level of knowledge. This applies even in sexual relationship between married couple.

I have met many men who believe that they are treating their partners very well during sex. They never bother to find out how they could do it better. I have also met men and women who complain that there are certain things they wished their spouse did better in bed.

In order to find out those areas of concern for both male and female, I have interviewed some married men and women on what they would want their spouse to do better during sex.

This article focuses on what wives want their husbands to do during sex.

Sweet words: Most of the women interviewed want their husbands to tell them more sweet words during sex. This may be connected with the fact that women are more aroused when they connect emotionally and so would want to hear positive and affirmative words from their lover to enhance their arousal.

Cuddle:  Another act most of the women talked about is cuddling. Staying enclosed within the arms of their husband, most times with her head on his chest; is often pleasurable to them. They complain that the men are not patient enough to stay long in that position before and after the intercourse. They would want the men to see cuddling them as something that should be done regularly, not necessarily as part of sex activities.

Be gentle during intercourse:  Most of the women interviewed want their husbands to be gentler and slower during vaginal penetration and performance. They say that doing it so fast and rough does not allow them to enjoy the intercourse. This may not be the case for all wives, but most of them appear to want the process in a gentle manner. Find out what your spouse wants.

Pay attention to my expression: The women also want men to pay attention to their expressions during sex. They say that they could frown, smile, scream, move or refrain from moving for various reasons. Some of them say that their men tend to carry on without trying to find out what a particular expression communicates. They say that in some cases they want their husbands to continue a particular action or stop it; but if the husband does not pay attention, they would not know.

Spend more time on foreplay; don’t rush to intercourse: Depending on the experience of those interviewed, there is an agreement among them, albeit separately that their husbands need to spend more time on foreplay. They explain that rushing to intercourse; leave them not being ready enough before penetration.  
They would prefer that foreplay continues until they indicate to the man that he can penetrate, to ensure that they are fully aroused.

Be gentle with the breast: The women agree that working on the breast is one thing their husbands like doing during fore play. Some say that they really enjoy that aspect, but it becomes uninteresting when the husband presses and sucks roughly. They remind men that the breast is tender and should be treated gently.

Understand my genital area: Understanding the genital area of the female is something many men are not familiar with. Some of the women interviewed say they are almost frustrated to discover that their husbands still struggle with this. They believe that husbands should know the vulva, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, and if possible G-spot in order to help them give the expected satisfaction to their wives.

Give feedback: Another response is that husbands should give feedback. This is through any form of sound – screaming, breathing, talking, etc. The wives want to know through such sounds that the husband is really enjoying the moment.


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